Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Destination -Cleaveland Ohio 07/17/08 (Day -3)

Cleaveland -Ohio
I reached Cleaveland at midnight ( yikes) I was so damn tired and I think little bit disoriented, reached hotel, and plonked on the bed and out .....!!
Got up in the morning at my pace...took shower ....called for room service and started work. Sent a quick recap on previous meeting. Checked the presentation for the upcoming one . All ok - ready to meet the client.
Meeting went well -despite a bad presentation :)) - I am still reeling under that surprise....!! Once meeting got finished - they offered me lunch.....and we sat talking about many stuff - India/culture......and US politics....!! People always have lots of question about India....!!
This was very short day. By the end of this session - I was ready to leave for airport. My arms were hurting by carrying so much load.....! ( Never again - I will get talked into to carry stuff in my baggage...)
Next destination was Tampa (Florida) - and I was so happy to see my friend who had come to pick me up. We put the roof down so that I could taste the was glorious weather.....! Good fun times are ahead .......!!


humbl devil said...

heady combination of work and pleasure!!!


AJEYA RAO said...

You seem to be traveling in US a lot. are you planning on going to Orolando? disney land? i think u should

indicaspecies said...

I reached here since your travel blog hasn't been updated for a while now.

Cleveland, Ohio! Hmmm...nice place. I've reached there twice!

Have a great time BTR.:)

AJEYA RAO said...

Wer r u?

Merisi said...

Hello, dear friend!
How are you?

inspired said...

Blessings to ya.......

Sigma said...

Gypsy feet! Where have thou wandered?